Coffee Talk
Last night during Caches' two hour screaming breakdown, Abner decided to put a cherry on top of our night by pacing the bedroom acting like he was in pain. Whether it was his back acting up, his ears burning from the screaming, or his tummy hurting because Ryan and I accidentally both fed them, I don't know (by the way they were SO pumped about that little mishap. Lilly looked at me like this, THIS is how much food I require at every meal!) but Ryan passed the baby off to me and lay down with Abner in hopes that he would settle and quit shorting and sniffling and waking up the baby! Finally everyone fell asleep in some sort of dysfunctional pile of limbs and stayed that way until morning. When I emerged from the bedroom half alive and cursing the dawn, I made my way to the kitchen for some brains coffee. There I saw Ryan standing by the coffee pot kind of looking over his shoulder. "I have poop on my shoulder!" "Baby or Abner?" "I don...