5 Months


Today is the first of December and you are five months old.  Mama has a wicked sinus infection or something going on so please forgive me if this is not one of my better letters.  As I write you are napping IN YOUR OWN BED!  Now, this may not seem like all that big of a deal, but for me, for US, this is HUGE.  It took a few weeks of practice and persistence, but you have excelled.  Most days you only cat nap, 20 or 30 minutes, but sometimes you surprise me and doze for an hour or two.

You would think I would rest during this time, because why wouldn't a sleep deprived, half crazy person rest when then child is napping?  Because they have things to do and their baby STILL, at five months, will not allow productivity during normal waking hours!  I am lucky to get my teeth brushed and clothes changed while you are awake.  Caches, you want to be an active part of EVERYTHING. 

You will not settle for sitting around simply observing life.  You want to EAT life!!  Literally, you put everything in your mouth.  Toys, blankets, my face, the dogs ears and once, a sprig of cilantro.  I guess that technically the cilantro was your first taste of real food and you were not a fan.  You are bound and determined to do what you want and it frustrates you that you are still not able to do things like walk, talk, and dance to Beyonce.  You want to take on the world right NOW.  Your dad and I joke that you are a mini Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka, constantly complaining and demanding and damn it, where the hell is your golden egg laying goose??!!

Caches, you are a challenge!

We have a bit of a loose schedule evolving, but there are still rough days when I just don't know what to do with you!  These are the times that I desperately wish you could talk and just tell me what you want.  I can't guarantee that I could give it to you, but I promise I'd try.  A pony?  Sure, coming right up, just STOP WHINING!!!

Each day is a dance with you baby.  Most times you take the lead and I follow, clumsily stepping on your feet, missing steps and lacking rhythm, but we dance on.  We dance through the tears and the frustrations, the giggles and the sweet embraces.  We dance in the dark of night and the dim light of early morning.  Some day maybe I will find just the right song to calm your racing heart but until then baby, the beat goes on.


Cache playing the "drums"


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