No More Secrets!

Have I ever mentioned that I am kind of a control freak?  I thought so...

This entire pregnancy I have been one of those annoying women that's all due date, shmoo date, the baby will come when it is ready.  Smile... Now I am like fuck this not knowing what is going on bullshit and tell me when you are coming!!!  I don't care if you want to be early or a little bit late, but this playing hard to get mystery is NOT good for mommies control issues. 

Hours feel like days, days feel like weeks and I feel like shit.  I am honestly not all that uncomfortable, thank goodness, but my brain has been taken over by the obsessive need to know what the hell is going on inside my uterus. It is driving me absolutely crazy and I'm pretty sure my normally cheery disposition is suffering.  Honestly, my attitude is HORRIBLE, but I am trying to hide it as not to drive my husband away just days before delivery.

How do other women stay so calm?  Casually napping on the sofa, folding onsies and patiently waiting for their babies.  I am not a patient person!  I pace around all day, busying myself with anything that might distract me from the giant elephant in my abdomen.  Part of me wants to fill my days with activities to pass the time, but another part of me just wants to sit around being bitchy. 

I have an app on my phone that has been INaccurately telling me day to day what is going on with my pregnancy.  Yesterday it let me know that my feel good hormones were depleting and that I may start to feel negative about my pregnancy.  Wow, out of over 250 days you actually got one right. 


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