Down the Hatch

Saturday morning Ryan and I were playing a little game of car Tetris while the dogs hung out inside.  I'm backing out of the driveway when I see Ryan approaching in my rear view mirror, a horrified look on his face.

"What's up?"

"Lilly just swallowed the ziplock bag filled with icing."

"She what?  She just ate the whole thing?"



Back inside I find Lilly, sitting in the corner giving her best, "it wasn't me" face.  I look at her, look at the counter where the bag of icing sat just moments ago and I can't help myself.

This is the dumbest thing she has EVER eaten and she has eaten some stupid shit.  A pound of almonds, an entire bag of Reece's mini with the foil on, and entire french baguette, pot brownies, but this, THIS wins.

She couldn't even taste it, she swallowed the bag whole!

After my initial shock and amazement, a touch of panic set in.  Here sits my dog with a belly full of homemade, cocoa powder rich, chocolate icing, IN A ZIPLOCK BAG.  What if she can't pass it and she needs surgery, what if she throws up and chokes to death, I can't handle another bout of diareah all over the house, I just can't!

I decide that the best possible option is to give her some hydrogen peroxide and see if she will throw it up before any damage is done.  1/8 of a cup of peroxide down the hatch and her ass thrown outside, she and Ryan anxiously await a much needed vomit outside on the stoop.

While they waited outside I called the emergency vet just to make sure I did the right thing and to see what we should do next if she didn't successfully throw up the bag.  The vet told me that getting her to throw up was the best option and that if she didn't we might be in for a long couple of days waiting for it to pass.

Ten tense minutes later...


I don't know why people keep telling me to, "just wait until I have kids."  Then I'll understand stress and a messy home.  Um, when was the last time your kids swallowed a ziplock bag?  I didn't think so


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