
We all know how I feel about belly buttons and I am pleased to report that my belly button never officially "popped"  during pregnancy, THANK GOD!!  It was getting a bit scary toward the end, and Ryan liked to point out how dangerously close it was to turning against me, but I knew my body wouldn't do that to me, it couldn't!  Of all the things that gave out on me during my pregnancy, my good ol' belly button held it's ground. 

That being said, the horrors of belly buttons were just beginning...I still had to deal with Caches' belly button/umbilical cord/the grossest thing EVER!


Ok...gaining composure...

I knew going into this that babies have umbilical cords that need to dry up and fall off and then there is magically a belly button underneath.  Sounds relativity simple, but good lord it was horrible.  Every time I changed his diaper I tried with all my might not to make eye contact with it, but like a train wreck it drew me in.  I just couldn't help myself.  It was like I had to stare, had to get just one more good look at it before gagging and putting it back under wraps where it belongs. 

The days wore on and I hoped each time I changed a diaper that it wouldn't fall off on my watch.  I begged Caches to save it for daddy, Mama can handle a lot of things but NOT THIS! 

A few days ago it started to kind of puss and bleed a little bit which I of course thought meant there was something wrong but apparently that is normal.  NORMAL!  Anything that pusses and bleeds "normally" has got to be systematically wrong!

Fast forward to our two week doctors appointment and you bet your ass "disgusting belly button" was question numero uno on my list for the doc. He too confirmed that the disgustingness of the belly button is a normal part of healing and the I should essentially get over it and let nature take its course.  Fine, I'll try, but OH MY GOD IT IS HALF OFF!!  DOCTOR, IT IS HALF OFF AND OOZING!

Deep breath Anne, just put his onsie back on and take a deep breath.

When we got home Caches was due for a diaper change and I was dreading it with every ounce of my being.  Please, PLEASE don't let a dried up umbilical nub fall out his pants when I unbutton his outfit, please!  I slowly undid each snap with my eyes only half open like when I'm watching a scary movie and something is about to jump out.  Somehow having only half open eyes makes it only half as scary.

Phew, no nub.  I proceed to change the diaper and in the process noticed that the half off nub is now literally HANGING BY A THREAD!  Why!!!??? WHY ME!!!??? Should I cut it off?  Should I scream?  I decide to take the high road and button him up leaving Ryan to deal with it at his next diaper change.  Hey, I never said I was mature.

Anyway, long story longer, at the next diaper change Ryan noticed the dangling nub and made the executive decision that we should cut it off.  Actually it was decided that I should cut it off...thanks babe. So holding back my fear and vomit, I clipped the nub and took it immediately to the trash can where is has belonged since birth. 

I know some people save it for the baby book and are probably horrified that I am so quick to toss it, but you too, people who save dried up umbilical nubs, will just have to get over it!


  1. Now that the nub is gone, don't freak out too much if it still looks as though his belly button is protruding a bit. I was concerned Everett might end up with an outie (not that I would love him any less because of it, but I just prefer innies), because he had a little bit of an umbilical hernia, but I'm happy to report that his belly button is just about flush with his tummy and looking very, very normal! There's hope for Caches yet! :) Hang in there!

  2. Caches has a mild umbilical hernia as well. Dr. said it should clear up by itself but I, of course was like WHY DID YOU TELL ME THIS?!! Now I have to resist the urge to Google!!


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