It's All in the Genes

Lately I have been thinking quite a bit about what/who our future child will look like.  Curly hair or straight?  Blue eyes?  Widow's peek?  Dimples?  Red hair?  Mid-digit finger hair?  Creepy bent finger (Ryan)?  Freckles?  Attached or unattached earlobes?  Will he/she be able to curl their tongue?  Webbed toes?  A TAIL?

There is just too much to imagine.

I remember taking a biology class that taught a good bit of genetics research and from what I remember, not much, and what I have recently read on the internet, which by the way I have come to have a love/hate relationship with.  I love Google when it tells me what I want to hear, like it is normal to be brain dead.  But I hate it when it tells me that just because I didn't feel the baby move for an hour it could be dead; Google, I think we need to see a counselor before this baby comes. 

Anyway, what I have come up with so far is that it is genetically impossible for our child to have brown eyes, it will have unattached earlobes, finger hair and will be able to curl its tongue...

Just like its brother

Now about those ears...


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