Unwelcomed House Guests

Ants, I hate ants.  I know they serve multiple purposes and are very important to our ecosystem, but does one of their purposes have to be to annoy me? 

I noticed a few of them wandering around yesterday afternoon, but assumed they would take my evil glare seriously and leave me alone.  Wrong.  This morning I woke up to the fucking rose parade as interrupted by a million ants marching in my kitchen. 

I had to go so Ryan wiped them up with some Seventh Generation glass cleaner and went about his day.  When we returned home later that afternoon they were back in full force.  The ants are like, really Ryan, Seventh Generation cleaner?  You think THAT is going to kill us?  We have evolved to outlive RAID!

Anyway, I decided to vacuum them up while Ryan traced the origin of their trail.  Once the origin of ants is found you can draw a chalk line in front of it and all around your door where they are climbing in.  Ants will NOT cross a chalk line.  Why, I have no idea, but they won't. 

Next time ants invade your house try to chalk line experiment.  You will be amazed how they approach the line all cocky and all of a sudden stop like they are faced with climbing Mount Everest.  Does chalk create some sort of epic glacier illusion?  You may be able to lift 1,000 times your own weight, ants, but you sure are stupid. 


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