Family Bonding

Today I had my regular once a month doctors appointment in which I was reminded AGAIN that I need to get the pertussis vaccine. This is one vaccine that I am not apposed to getting as whooping cough is very dangerous to babies and supposedly on the rise these past few years. 

I figured rather than have him remind me again in February, might as well get it done right then and there.  Now, I have not had a shot, other than a tetanus shot about 10 years ago in well, I can't even tell you how long.  Probably since my 5 year old vaccines. 

I am in no way afraid of shots or needles but it was still kind of strange.  Like what if they give me the wrong thing and all of a sudden I shoot spiderwebs out of my wrists and stop trains with my mind or something.  I suppose that would be kind of cool, but you get what I'm saying.  Fear of the unknown. 

Clear substance in a syringe, plunged into your arm.  Band-aid and you are on your way.  Just weird.

Anyway, since I got my vaccine today the doctor recommended Ryan go ahead and get his out of the way as well.  He gave us an address for a free clinic in Seaside and we decided Red's Donuts would be our reward for going to a free clinic, in SEASIDE. 

I decided to wait in the car because I can only imagine the germs floating around in there.  And since the flu shot is one vaccine I refuse to get, the car seamed the safest place.  I guess I should point out that the reason I am not getting the flu shot is because not only have I never had the vaccine before, but I have also never had the flu. 

Trust me, this is an informed decision for me and I am also a very respectful member of society and do not go in public if I think I am getting sick or have a fever.  I know that while I am not one of them, there are many people with compromised immune systems and I don't want to contaminate anyone!

That being said, back to the clinic!

About twenty minutes have passed and my arm is now starting to throb.  Ten more minutes and Ryan comes out shaking his head.  Having been to a free clinic myself once before, I can imagine why he is shaking his head, but I of course want stories.  The woman helping him answering her cell phone a minimum of 5 times to yell at her boyfriend, telling him to stop bothering her while she's working was my favorite.

Back in the car my arm is starting to hurt worse and I am kind of wondering if Ryan's arm hurts as well...

Me: "Babe, does your arm hurt.  Like it is throbbing!?"

Ryan: "Yes, it actually hurts quite a bit."

Me: "Good, now I don't have to pretend like mine doesn't hurt to prove how tuff I am."

In conclusion, I recommend that you do not get this shot on a day when you have to vacuum, make dinner for friends, whisk a recipe for 10 minutes and/or attempt to pick up a 28 pound French Bulldog because he looks like he needs a hug.


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