Where, Oh Where Has My Little Brain Gone?

Okay, it's happening again, I'm totally slacking off on the ol' blog.  I blame it on the fact that my brain has shrunk down the the size of a wrinkled raisin and getting creative thoughts from this dried up, humiliated grape onto paper...computer? is nearly impossible. 

I will tell you this though, I have a multitude of utterly BRILLIANT blog posts written INSIDE that little raisin brain, they just aren't physically written here yet.  At night, when the baby is finally peacefully asleep, for an hour at least, I think, "Oh, I should really write."  Then write away I do, coming up with clever titles, funny stories, sarcastic tidbits that I'm sure all of you would love, all in my head.   But before I can rouse my exhausted body off the sofa to get the computer the brilliance is gone, thoughts and sarcasm fleeting, and all I want to do is sleep for 30 hours. 

Bottom line, I have an exhausting child, and the way I choose to parent him and care for my house and my creatures is also REALLY exhausting.  Not complaining, just stating a fact.  Okay maybe I'm complaining a little. I had high hopes that with the time change Caches would adjust from a 6:00 bedtime and a 6:00 wake up time to a 7:00 bedtime and a 7:00 wake up time. Well, one of them was true, I'll let you guess which one.  The days are long and the blogs are short, so I will again distract you from my lackluster posting with pictures of the boy.  That's all you really want to see anyway, right?


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