Britney, I Feel Ya Girl...

I am a person who enjoys my alone time.  As a child I often "disappeared" to play by myself and this disappearing act continued into adulthood.  Of course I play well with others too, but there is just something sacred to me about alone time.

Especially now that I get NONE!!

I'm not asking for a lot,  just maybe 20 minutes to be alone...ALL ALONE.  That means no dogs tick ticking toenails following me around all day, no baby attached to my chest or hip with industrial strength velcro, no husband (love you babe), and no damn cat who shows up the second I get one fucking second to myself and thinks it is appropriate to get two inches from my face and demand attention!  I HAVE NO ATTENTION LEFT TO GIVE KITTY!!!

I even hid in the garage one day while Ryan was inside with the baby and out of nowhere, CHIRP...the cat is on my shoulder like a frickin parakeet!!


I'm seriously one step away form sneaking off to a barber shop at 2AM and shaving my head a la Britney!  The paparazzi are totally after me!

And when Caches is in that, "my mom is SO uncool!" phase and has the audacity to request some privacy, you bet your ass I'll remind him that for a long time he was so needy that he wouldn't even let me shit alone!

And then he'll roll his eyes and be like DAD, SERIOUSLY!!  How do you put up with her!!??


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