Good morning

Ryan has been out of town for the past couple of days and while I am a lady who likes her space, I really do miss having him here. I like to complain about the drawers he leaves ajar, the cupboards he leaves half open, the shoes in the entry way and the jackets left on the back of the chairs, but I just realized something…I actually kind of like it.

When I come home and it is just me I put my purse down, change my clothes, placing all dirty ones in the hamper no less and settle in, no tiding up to do. No little reminders of Ryan and all the little quarks I love to hate.

Last night was night three alone and the last thing I saw before I went to bed was his jacket, draped over the back of a chair, subtly saying goodnight. I left it there for that specific reason. Little did I know that jacket would serve double duty later that night when Abner woke up at 4 am gagging. Sorry babe, your jacket is now holding an enormous pile of dog vomit but know this. By the time you get home tonight it will be laundered and hung up in its appropriate spot leaving the chairs back clear for your coat.


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