6 Months

On January first, Caches turned six months old.  Six months!  Half of a year! 182.5 days!

Holy shit, I haven't slept in 182.5 days...

Caches Michael,

Today you are six months old.  This means we have managed to keep you alive for a whole half of a year!  Now, you may not think this is all that big of an accomplishment, but trust me son, IT IS!  And this past month has by far been the most exciting and changing of your life; Caches, you are a real live tiny human!

Your days of screaming for hours and hours are behind you making room for lots of smiles in their place.  You still scream, and boy kid, can you SCREAM, but it is no longer an all day event.  I have no idea why you are so moody but I have resolved to stop trying to figure it out and torture myself because the bottom line is I just don't know why, and you aren't talking !  Plus, you don't really care that you are a hot mess of mood swings just waiting for explode.  You actually seem quite content to go from giggling to screaming in 3 seconds and back again, so why not just accept it.

I'm trying...

This month you have figured out how to sit all by yourself and you LOVE the view from this angle.  I knew you would be happier once you could do things for yourself and turns out I actually got one right!  Lately, you like to sit and gather as many toys in your lap as will fit.  You'll reach and reach for everything in sight and get frustrated when you can't say, pull the chair into your lap and chew on its legs. 

You have also recently perfected the desire to want what you can't have.  I know all babies go through this phase, but you are a quick study.  One day I could eat while you sat in my lap playing with a toy and the next you were grabbing my fork, my water glass, my napkin, my face, the tablecloth, KNIVES!!! And damn it are you fast!  Just today your dad found out how fast you are when you dumped a glass of ice cold water onto his lap at lunch.  Good one, by the way :)

I assume this is in part because you now have the desire to eat real food.  Just this week we started you on solid food and you love it.  Your first food was organic zucchini, mmm.  I prepared the puree, sat you in your high chair, fastened your bib and gave you a spoon.  I wasn't expecting you to actually eat anything, I more expected your to play with it and taste it, but you wanted to EAT.  Without even so much as a grimace, you ate a whole mini portion of zucchini and wanted more!

Speaking of food, this month mama got food back!  Now that your reflux is on it's way out I can enjoy soy, dairy and wheat again!!  Your doctor wants me to wait a bit longer for peanuts, but I don't care, I can eat a COOKIE...or ten.

Caches, I totally have a crush on you!  You are just about the sweetest, brightest star I have ever seen.  Yes, you are a handful and you try my patience to the point of insanity, but you make up for it leaps and bounds when you flash your gummy grin, giggle in delight over the strangest occurrence or gaze at me intensely with those gorgeous blue eyes.  We are not the most peaceful or organized mother and child, but we have something special.  Something so special that I draw a blank when trying to find words to express it, but my heart is warm at the very thought. 

These past six months have flown by and I'm sure the next will .....ok, you are up from a 13 minute nap and I have been trying to post this damn letter for 2 weeks so I give up, here it is.

I love you to the moon,



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