Writer's block

 I haven't posted in three weeks.  One, two, THREE!  That is plain pathetic, even by my standard of late!  But to be honest, until I looked at the last thing I DID post, I had no idea it had been that long!  It's like groundhog day around here!  The baby was sick, the husband was sick, my body tried to be sick but I would NOT allow it.  Rinse, later, repeat.  I got out of the habit of writing and bam, just like that, three weeks later. Nothing

It's funny how that happens, isn't it.  Not ha ha funny, but funny still.  They say it takes anywhere from 7-21 days to create a new habit and make it stick.  "They," are full of shit.  If this were the case I'd be taking my vitamins every day, eating a completely plant based diet, well, one that contained fewer cookies anyway.  I'd be running 5x a week, cooking dinner from scratch 5x a week, and a whole lot of other great things that USED to be habits of mine.  That is until they weren't.

For me is has always been far easier to stop doing something than to start or even re-start.  An object in motion stays in motion, an object at rest stays at rest.  You remember the theory.  And when I make writing every day a priority, after the first few days of struggle, the words come freely.  I sit down and ideas flourish, I am inspired.  But it is just so easy to stop.  To fall out of sync.  It's too easy!  I let it go and I don't know why. 

Beautiful, humorous, even pointless ideas sit along side my neatly sorted Mon.-Sun. vitamin organizer, untouched for weeks.  I peek at them each day knowing full well that it would only take a moment to pour them out and swallow them down, nourishing my body, my creativity, but I don't do it.  I close the cabinet door, the laptop screen and I sit.  Putting off things that are good for me in favor of doing nothing simply because it's easier.  Only I don't want easy.  I want inspiration, sweat, nourishment, commitment, habit, creativity. 

I want the momentum to stay.

And so for the next few days I will force it out, and the vitamins down.  In hopes of creating a new habit in only seven days, or so they say.

 Meanwhile this kid is g r o w i n g WAY too fast!


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