
Showing posts from July, 2011

Where is Keanu Reeves When You Need Him?

If you have ever held and bounced a sleepy/fussy baby to sleep then you know about the don't put me down or I'll wake up and scream reflex.  It is seriously some kind of black magic that all babies are in on.  How the hell do they know?  They not only know when you stop moving or put them down but they know when you are ABOUT to do it or even just thinking about doing it.  You haven't even done it yet!  Your brain has only just thought about it and they wake up.  WHY CAN YOU READ MY MIND, BABY!?  I know this is borderline crazy, but I have actually tried to think about something else while putting him down to see if I could trick him into not knowing that I'm going to do it.  Desperate times, people.  I can't tell you how many times I have bounced this kid to the point that my eyes can no longer focus on still objects and I feel like I'm in the Blair Witch Project, my back begging me to put the baby down but NOOOOOOOOOO  the baby can r...

In Case You Were Curious

This is what sleep deprivation looks like at 6am   I think the hair really seals the deal Gives it a certain amount of authenticity On the same note, I have a question.  Why is it that the dogs can bark all day long and the baby doesn't so much as flinch but Lilly let's out one bark, ONE, at 4am and he is up like his ass is on fire?  

So Sexy

The other morning I was gathering my clothes to go take a shower when I realized I had forgotten clean underwear.  I walked back into the bedroom. Me: "I forgot my panties." Ryan: "Babe.  Nowhere, and in no way are those panties.  Those are underpants!" Take note ladies.  Men do not find beige, 100% cotton, full bottom, fruit of the loom underpants sexy.  Who knew? Man am I am looking forward to burning those things along with any left over pads.  Cringe.

3 Weeks

I'm going to try to post a weekly, if not more often, picture update because I swear this kid looks different every single day! I am already feeling nestalgic about his birth and our first days as a little family and it has only been 3 weeks.  I can't even imagine him being 3 months, 6 months, 1 year...14 years and a whole lot of attitude old! And while I am REALLY looking forward to him doing things like holding his own head up, being entertained by ANYTHING for longer that 15 seconds and picking up the dog poop, I can't help but soak up every second of him being a big ol' blob of cuddlyness.  3 Weeks I swear he has eyeballs he just likes to keep them closed

Sergeant Sassy Pants

Between his attitude and his stature, Abner wouldn't last two minutes in the Army.  He would look super cute in his uniform though. Proof


We all know how I feel about belly buttons and I am pleased to report that my belly button never officially "popped"  during pregnancy, THANK GOD!!  It was getting a bit scary toward the end, and Ryan liked to point out how dangerously close it was to turning against me, but I knew my body wouldn't do that to me, it couldn't!  Of all the things that gave out on me during my pregnancy, my good ol' belly button held it's ground.  That being said, the horrors of belly buttons were just beginning...I still had to deal with Caches' belly button/umbilical cord/the grossest thing EVER! OMG IT WAS WHAT NIGHTMARES ARE MADE OF! Ok...gaining composure... I knew going into this that babies have umbilical cords that need to dry up and fall off and then there is magically a belly button underneath.  Sounds relativity simple, but good lord it was horrible.  Every time I changed his diaper I tried with all my might not to make eye contact with it, but like a trai...


Before a bath After a bath Chilling in my swing Napping with daddy


Last week we had our 2 week check up with the pediatrician.  First of all, I can't believe it has been two whole weeks since Caches was born and second, it has ALREADY been two weeks!  For the first week I would constantly look at the clock and think exactly 18 hours ago I was pushing or exactly 3 days ago he was born or exactly 6 days ago I totally should have taken that nap instead of working out!!! The appointment went really well and aside from his nasty belly button that is supposedly "normal" he is in tip top shape.  He has gained almost an entire pound and grown one inch, though I am not certain their height measurements are accurate taking a squirming baby into consideration.  So, here are Caches 2 week stats: Weight: 7lb 8oz Height: 20.5 inches And here is a picture of Abner looking particularly cute in his infamous I'm too stout to sit like a gentleman, bulldog pose.

Red, White and Poo

Every year, as far back as I can remember, I have spent my fourth of July celebrating in Spreckles.  We were planning on attending this year, but because we were just released from the hospital the day prior, we decided to pass.  Most of the day was spent staring at Caches and pinching ourselves that we had a baby, a BABY! And he was ours! And they let us leave the hospital with him, no questions asked!  Are they crazy? Anyway, by day two we were all getting a little stir crazy so we decided to embark on our first big family outing, a trip to Target, of course.  We put the baby in the car seat, me in the back seat and were on our way.  Half way there Ryan asked if I wanted to stop by the Apple store and see if they could take a look at my phone which had decided to stop working the previous day.  Why not, I thought, and we headed for the mall. The genius' at apple were unfortunately no help at all and told me that I would need...

Knock, Knock

Is anyone home?  This is what I ask my brain on a daily basis!  I have been working on a few different  posts for DAYS and I cannot for the life of me form a complete sentence that doesn't resemble something I would have composed in the third grade.  Additionally, all I seem to do is read and re-read the same sentence over and over without the ability to continue my story.  And it is happening right now!!  I feel brain dead!!  My brain just cannot focus on writing!!  Call it baby brain, blame sleep deprivation or just face up to the fact that I may be plain ol' dumb, but I feel I must apologize for my lack of language skills.  That being said, I'll post anyway.  I just wanted you to know that I know that I make no sense.  OK, off to finish my fourth of July post.  I can't is a picture of Caches doing what he does best

A Quickie

While sweet baby Caches takes a nap, I'll take the opportunity to do a quick update.  I promise not to abandon the blog just because I had a baby, I mean the potential for writing material just went up tenfold!  But as of right now the idea of sitting on the hard wooden office chair for any length of time just isn't appealing to me or my lady parts.   We are all doing really great and adjusting a little bit more each day to the idea that we have a baby.  HOLY SHIT WE HAVE A BABY! Every time I see Ryan holding him or peek over and see his little face sleeping it becomes more real.  We are both learning new, exciting and disgusting things each and every day and I'm sure there is plenty more to come. A real post is coming your way next week.  Until then enjoy some of the many faces of Caches.

Ah, To Be 13 Again

I am still working on the big birth story entry, so in the mean time, how about some good ol' fashioned girl talk.  You know, about vaginas.  I posted a while back about how pregnancy made me feel like I was going through puberty all over again and though the pregnancy is over, the feeling is NOT.  I have but one word for you.  It is a dirty word and hasn't been in my vocabulary since I started my period at age 13, pad . I LOTHE pads and have avoided using them at all costs since the 9th grade.  I am sure there are some women that like them and to each her own, but the whole idea of just sitting in your own stuff all day makes me ill.  Unfortunately that is exactly what I have to do for the next couple of weeks.  This, THIS is the shit they don't tell you about when you want to have a baby.  It's all stuffed animals and sweet baby coos and cute outfits.  I swear if someone had told me that I'd be wearing a pad 24/7 on the warmest week we'...


Caches Michael Nessier 6lbs 15oz / 19.5in  July 1, 2011 I promise to write a full birth story soon.   Let's just stay that babies make their own plans I should have written my birth plan in pencil  and everything goes downhill when someone shits their pants We are completely, hopelessly in love and Abner is EXHAUSTED  keeping track of where his baby is AT ALL TIMES is hard work Thank you for all the love, support and prayers