It's oh so quiet

It's oh so still...

Right now my house is so quiet that I could actually hear the proverbial pin drop; that is if there were someone here to drop it.  There is no Abner snoring, no Lilly sighing and rolling her eyes so intensely that you CAN hear it, no Peach chirping and annoying the dogs, no Ryan doing all the little things Ryan does, no television, no radio, not even a truck filling up with gas around the corner.  Silence.  And...


Well, I loved it for about an hour, I mean I LOVED it for that hour.  But then it got kind of old.  Sometimes there is so much background noise that I find myself begging for a moment of silence.  If only I could have one minute of complete silence I could ground myself, calm my mind, pee without Abner butting his giant head in to see what I am doing.

Seems tonight I got my minute.  Quite frankly, that is all I needed.

*Just in case you were worried....No, I did not lock my entire family in the basement, not this time anyway.


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