Take Two

Caches had his nine month doctors appointment this Monday and besides a physical, he is 17 lb 12 oz and 29 inches long, the doctor ordered a blood draw to check his iron and hemoglobin levels.  Sure, why not, let's see just how loud this kid can scream.  So after darting around avoiding loud noises and nap annoyances a nap in the ergo and a kombucha to calm my nerves, we headed to the lab. 

It was decided that Ryan, though he just had elbow surgery (more about that later), would hold Caches down and I would sing softly in his ear while he quietly sat and had his blood drawn.  Hey, a girl can dream. Well, in true Caches form, he started screaming the second his movement was restricted and kept the exact same enthusiasm and volume throughout the draw.

Of course hearing my baby scream breaks my heart and make my boobs ache, and I would gladly take ANY and all pain for him, but to be honest, he throws the same level of screaming spitting holding his breath fit if I don't give him a piece of my banana in .02 seconds.  That being said, it totally sucked, I hated every second, and I never want to do it again.

I had to do it again...

The hospital called this morning and was like um, yeah, we were unable to complete the full work up and need you to come back and get another draw.  Really!!??  They were incredibly apologetic and got us right in, but this was not how I wanted to punctuate my day!  Plus this time Ryan was at work and I had to hold my baby down as the evil phlebotomist stuck his arm. 

After they were done and I regained partial hearing, the phlebotomist asked us to wait out front because he was going to bring us a card.  Okay. What?  Why?  Random.  After a few minutes he came out with a CVS gift card for our inconvenience.  He said that they like to hand these out in this circumstance.  Obscure, but I'll take it. 

Was that paragraph as painful to read as I think it was?  Yeah, sorry.  I re-read it like 20 times and tried to sort it out but I'm tired so I gave up. 

Anyway, I'll probably buy some wine and sleeping pills a candy bar with the gift card and bring along the boy who now looks just a little bit like a a heroin junkie.  And if they call and inform me that they need to do it again, well they can just go right ahead and get bent because it is NOT happening.  If I want to hear my baby scream well then I'll just go change his diaper.


  1. Oh, baby. I think your first idea of wine and sleeping pills was a winner.


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