7 Months


Today you woke up smiling.  You must have known it was your seven month birthday.  Or perhaps it was the pea and oatmeal poop in your pants that you knew I would soon be changing, all the while wishing I had one extra arm to keep your hands out of the poop while I wrestled with you, your body rolling around like a baby crocodile.

Caches Michael, you are becoming quite the handful...And I love it.  You have so much personality, so much passion, such a desire to learn and explore.  You do not sit still and casually observe life, you jump in with two feet and experience it!  From the moment you wake up in the morning, a little too early for my taste thankyouverymuch, until the moment you give in to sleep, you are moving!  Occasionally you are so busy that I forget to stop, breathe, and enjoy the little things.

Like when you are sitting in front of me and I catch myself staring at the perfect little divot along the back of your neck.  One of my absolute favorite places to kiss.  Your tiny shoulders scrunching up just a bit when you feel my breath on your neck.  Then you turn to look back at me so sweetly, so intent.  And I take that look, that perfect moment in time and tuck it away for safe keeping.

Not all of our moments are so lovely, but each day is sprinkled with precious times like this.  Moments when you are sleepy and you hold me so close it's as if you wish our bodies were one again.  Moments when I catch you staring up at me, concentrating on a new task or giggling at the dogs.  These are the moments women who have grown children are remembering when they remind me to slow down and enjoy this time. 

Thankfully we are having a lot more of these moments lately and a lot less of the screaming crying let's see how long until mommy snaps and seriously considers selling me at Wal Mart for 25 dollars!  Six years in prison seems like a treat at these moments because at least in jail I would get a moment of peace and quiet!  And my cell mate would be Martha Stewart and we would crochet shawls and exchange recipes and... OK, so what,  maybe I have daydreamed about going to jail before.  Perfectly normal, right?

From the day you were born, baby, I knew you had an old soul.  This baby stuff just wasn't going to work well for you.  You had a different agenda than the average infant, you were out to get things done.  I think it is because of this that you already believe you can walk and try multiple times a day without even acknowledging the fact that we are spotting you.  You ignore our safety net and insist that we are the crazy ones, that we don't know what you are capable of and could we please just let go and let you do it YOUR SELF! 

Good lord that attitude is going to set us up for some real fun come toddlerhood, but it is also an attitude that will serve you well your whole life through.  Caches, you are so incredibly determined.  You have a rare zest for life.  You grab life by the shirt and twirl it around at 100  miles an hour until someone throws up and we all get kicked off the ride, but damn it, we remember that ride forever.  You are what memories are made of, baby boy. 

And tonight, when your perfect little body finally gives in to sleep, I'll hold you close for just a few extra moments and I'll breathe deeply in your spirit before lay you down for sleep.  And then I'll drink a huge glass of wine and rest up because I know ONE of us will wake up ready tomorrow and it won't be me!




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