16 Weeks

4 months old

I have decided that it is time to stop the weekly picture and do more of a monthly newsletter.  Not only because he is changing less drastically each week, but because there is nothing more annoying than asking someone how old their baby is and getting the reply, 27 weeks. 

Caches Michael,

Today, well, two days ago, you turned four months old.  Why two days late, mama?  Because you are still proving to be one of the most difficult human beings on the planet.  You don't like me to get any housework or errands done and think that the world revolves around you, and quite frankly, you are correct.  You are a tiny tornado.  A passionate, spirited individual who knows what you what when you want it and damn it we better deliver.  

You already are showing us your personality and maybe, just maybe, your sense of humor.  You have absolutely no patience or state control and go from happy bubbly baby to Freddy Crouger in a matter of 3 seconds.  Fortunately you are also starting to give more similes and will even squeal in delight.  When you smile baby, my whole heart shines.  
You have recently discovered that your hands can actually open and close by your command and seem pretty excited about this.  You grabbed for a toy for the first time a few days ago and the light in your eyes when you accomplished the grasp was intense. You have also started rolling over from your back to your belly and practice this any chance you get.  The determination and focus required to perform this seemily simple task blows my mind.  It reminds me how helpless and fragile you are.  How every day and every experience is new and complex for you.

You still LOTHE the car seat, kinda hate the stroller, and only tolerate the sling, but I see small improvements in all these areas.  I try to explain to you how much more fun we could have if you would just relax, but you are too determined to listen.  It's your way or the highway. 

You love the bath and have recently started to splash and play.  You also like to lay down and have little chats about the day.  Sometimes you babble back and other times you just like to listen.  Caches, you LOVE music.  Your dad plays all sorts of music for you and you just can't get enough.  Dance parties in the kitchen have become an almost daily activity
We are still working on getting your reflux under control and are finally seeing some improvement.  There just might be a light glowing at the end of this dark tunnel.  You currently sleep all night on my chest and still wake up at least 6-8 times a night.  Sometimes you want to eat, sometimes you just need to get comfortable and other times you just want to torture me.

And torture me you do.  I have always considered myself a reasonably patient person, but you are schooling me in ways I never could have imagined.  You bring a whole new level of patience to the table.  Every day I think I am at the end of my rope, but some how my rope just keeps growing and growing.  I guess that's what happens when you love someone. 

Some parents don't have to work very hard to get smiles from their babies, happiness comes easily.  And while I sometimes wish it was easier, the fact that you make it so hard almost makes it even sweeter.  Because I know when you flash that gorgeous smile with piercing blue eyes that you really, truly mean it.  Caches you have my whole heart.  Sometimes you have it in a crinkled up mess and other times you have it gleaming and immaculate, but you have it, forever.  





  1. I try to stay out of your blog world, but I love you and your words ring true. they( your words) could not be more honest or eloquent. I will show Caches this when he is older and we will both cry. Ryan


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