Well, It's Going to be One or the Other

As you already know from previous posts, Ryan and I will not be finding out the sex of our baby until it is born and the doctor utters those infamous words, "It's a..."

I find that I go back and forth about this whole not knowing thing; I think it's my controlling side shining through.  I typically try to keep that side under wraps, but every once and a while it's like, hello, my name is Anne and I'm a total control freak and by the way, that vase goes .33 inches to the left!!

I know that finding out would make a few things easier, like choosing bedding, choosing a name and mentally preparing for one or the other, but not finding out gives us an opportunity to be genuinely surprised.  How often in your adult life do you get to be truly, joyfully, 100% surprised?  Not too often.

So, because we are not finding out we thought it would be fun to try some of the old traditional gender predictors like the Chinese calendar, the wedding ring hanging above my belly, and having multiple people tell us their opinions.

So far the Chinese calendar says boy, the wedding ring says girl and the majority of people and their opinions say boy.  I am not going to lie and say that I don't have a preference, I do, I would like a boy.  But just because my preference is boy doesn't mean that I will be disappointed or any less in love with a girl, I just feel more comfortable with a boy the first time around.

So, what do you think? Are you feeling a certain pull toward one or the other? Want to get in on a poll?   The winner will get a lifetime supply of personal significance; you really can't beat that!


  1. When I was pregnant with Joseph, EVERY single person (friend, family, strangers at the mall) took one look at me and proclaimed boy. After we found out the sex (I had to find out, I'm a planner), It grew progressively creepier that the unanimous predictions were consistently correct! So exciting for you... :)

  2. Was it a lustful or pure love on conception ? An old Chinese proverb says boys come from those pure expressions of love and girls come from wild animal lust.... I will never forget that opinion coming from a 90ish year old Chinese gentlemen, I thought this one over counted the days to get a general date it was a boy and he was right for it was pure love the night we wed... just another opinion to turn around in your head


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