On the Up and Up

I have been a sick blob on the bed all week and have reached my breaking point!  I have to do something... ANYTHING before I die of boredom, my muscles begin to atrophy and my brain turns to mush from daytime television.  All this laying around though, got me thinking about the poor women on bed rest.  I have really taken for granted how easy my pregnancy has been thus far but things can change at any moment. 

I bet there are plenty of women out therewho thought it was going to be smooth sailing and then bam, a problem strikes and they are in the hospital or on bed rest.  And they lay there day in and day out uncomfortable and scared, because that is what you have to do.  When you are carrying a baby it's not all about you anymore.

This is a particularly hard pill for me to swallow being the "type" of person that I am.  I do not sit still, accept help from others, relax, heal, take care of myself, or let the picture frame be crooked while I'm just laying there very well,  but it is good practice for the future because guess what, it will NEVER be just about me again.

And that's OK

I'm making progress

*Wow, I can tell that I wrote this when I was sick and didn't have the energy to edit.  There are like 20 grammatical errors in a 3 paragraph entry.  Horrible


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