And I believed it for 20 Years

Parents have been manipulating their children since the beginning of time.  Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa!  They have been messing with us our entire lives!  I am sure we can all look back and remember a time when we bought what our parents were selling out of pure naivete.  I fell victim to the crust being the most nutritious part of the bread scheme, and I believed it for most of my life.  Then, one day while eating a sandwich, a light bulb.  The crust is the exact same as the rest of the slice it just gets crusty because it is out he outside!  Eureka, I've got it!

Part of me felt duped and a bit idiotic but really I was impressed.  Impressed with the power that parents have over their children's thoughts and opinions of the world.  Wow, I really believed that?  I bet some of you did too.  Perhaps you figured it out before you hit your twenties, but wasn't is a crazy moment?  Did you wonder what other lies you believed as a child?  Do you wonder now what you are being manipulated to believe as an adult? 

Gnarly, right?  But that is a WHOLE other topic that I could fill 10 pages with if I chose to get into it.  Lucky for you, I won't. You're welcome.

 But really, think of the power you have as a parent, or even just as a person in a child's life.  Shit, you have a lot of power even if you meet a kid once and tell them some off beat story.  I guarentee if you tell a random kid in the park that there are alien fish swimming in the sand, they will believe you.  And probably talk about it for weeks and drive their parents crazy and never want to touch the sand again!  HA the power!

Quite frankly, this "power" scares the crap out of me.  It totally blows my mind that in a few short years I am going to be the one doing the manipulating.  My child is going to be looking to me for answers, ME?  I don't know anything about anything and yet I am being given the awesome responsibility of shaping the mind of a child!  Are you sure about this?  Shouldn't I have gone through some sort of interview process?  I was checked out more thoroughly when I got a puppy! 

While the whole idea of it does make me break out in a sweat and wish that xanex was approved for pregnancy, it is pretty amazing.  I will try my best to take it seriously and when my child looks at me and says, "But mommy, I don't like the crust," You can bet your ass that I'm telling that kid he has to eat it because that is where all the nutrients are.  I'll be dammed if I'm going to let this kid get off without any hangups. 


  1. Megan had a little friend, JJ, and I told him if he continued to say bad words, that one day he'd open is mouth to say one and snakes and toads would come out of his mouth instead. Poor thing totally believed me and had nightmares for years! Hehehehe


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