Like a Hippo in a Bikini

I know my posts have been kind of lite and cheesy lately, and I do apologize, I'm just not going to fix it, not today anyway. I promise a good one is coming soon.

Now on with the fluff.

When Abner was a baby we bought him a little bed to curl up in.  He quickly outgrew it and it was put in "dog storage" along with is tiny sweaters, tiny collars and tiny elf hat, yeah I said elf hat.  He was tortured from an early age. 

A few days ago I was throwing away a bunch of shit sorting through some things that I don' t need but keep anyway because you never know when you might need a rock that you must have thought was really cool when you found it...12 years ago.  Among the rocks, random pillowcases, scraps of fabric and not yet started paint my numbers, I found a big box of dog stuff.

Cute toys that Abner chewed up but I didn't have the heart to throw away, a little coat that I made him when I first got him that he fit into for 2 days before outgrowing, and his little bed.  I was going to donate it but then I thought Georgia may like it so I put it out on the chair she likes to sleep on in hopes that she would curl up in it and not on the chair that I have to vacuum EVERY DAMN DAY.

I'm telling you, if I got paid to vacuum I'd be one rich woman.

Anyway, I put the bed on the chair and immediately Abner was drawn to it.  He jumped up and sniffed it and looked at me like ummm, why does this smell like me?  He then proceeded to knock it to the floor, dig around in it for a bit and move on to bigger and better things, like chewing a stick INSIDE because it tastes so much better if you chew it on the carpet rather than the cement outside.

About 30 minutes later when I was doing my every 30 minute check to make sure Abner hasn't killed himself, I happened upon this...

 Could he be any cuter?  Or more pathetic.


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