Crying in the Rain

If you keep up with this blog then you have some idea of how techno Lilly is about her feet.  It would take all day to explain, so in short, no wet grass, no gravel, no crunchy leaves, no puddles, no touching, lots of licking!

There, now we are all caught up.

What you may not be aware of though, is how long she can hold her pee and poop if it is raining and her precious feet could get wet by going out.  I'm talking ALL DAY AND NIGHT epic marathon pee holding to the point that she looks uncomfortable.  She must have a bladder the size of an elephants and when she finally pees it takes her so long to empty her bladder that here legs start shaking from crouching so long.  Pathetic!

Not that I have ever had shaky legs while holding myself above the toilet seat, balancing my purse and maybe a martini; neither of which I would set on the floor. 

Guys, women set their purses on the floor in public restrooms all the time. Have you seen this?  I want to knock on the stall door and be like, excuse me, have you ANY idea how disgusting that is.  You probably go home and put your purse on the kitchen counter, don't you.

Anyway, it has been raining all day here and had been HOURS since Lilly had been out so Ryan decided the only way to get her to go was to carry her outside and escort her.

Internet, I give you P. Lilly and her manslave


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