Light bulb moments...
I have recently started using my iPhone to listen to music in my car. For some reason it never occured to me until recently to plug it in and listen to my iPod or Pandora radio. DUH! Anyway, I was on my way home from work today, listening to Pandora radio, when I reach over to my purse to grab my phone. I realize that it is not in the pouch that I always keep it in so I begin to dig. Now, my purse has a bad habit of eating things so I dig for a good long time while waiting at a red light. When I still can't find my phone I concede that I have probably forgot it at work. Just as I am about to turn around the light bulb in my tiny little brain went off goes off. "YOUR PHONE IS IN OUR LAP DUMB ASS, YOU KNOW, THE THING THAT IS MAKING THE MUSIC!" This is almost as bad as the time I put water in the microwave to boil and then, when I opened the microwave to take it out, the cup was empty. I honestly thought there must have been a slow leak in the cup, or maybe all the wa...