Blend all the things!!

After months of researching and humming and hawing over a large purchase, I decided that there was no way I could rationalize buying it.  Flash forward to Christmas and guess what is under my tree...a vitamix blender.

Now, I know a lot of women who would be offended if their Christmas gift was a household appliance, but I am not one of those women.  By the way, my other Christmas present was a chicken coop but that is a WHOLE different post coming soon.  Anyway, I tore back the paper and before I could find my filter I said it.  I said the one thing you should never, ever say when someone buys you a gift.  "We can't afford this!  Why did you buy this for me?"  Ahh, romance.  But Ryan knows me well enough to let it go with a smile.  

So, where am I going with this story?  I'm sure you don't care about my fancy blender or the fucking GALLON of margaritas I'm going to make once the baby is born, or do you? story.  Upon receiving the blender to end all blenders, I retired my trusty old Cuisinart to the closet.  Why not get rid of it you ask?   Because Caches likes to play with it and there is no way I'm sharing fancy my new vitamix with a toddler.  Oh, and in case you were worried, we totally don't take the blade out when he plays with it.  Anyway, the other day he asked for a smoothie and when I pulled out the vitamix he had quite the opinion.  "I no like the new one!"  Say whaaa??  "I want the tiny old one!  This one too fast!"  Too fast you say?  Is there even such a thing!?!?!  Son, this is the viatmix!

Well, when you are a toddler who enjoys the process far more than the product you say NO to the vitamix.  It used to take us a full five minutes with multiple stops to stir and bang the side of the blender to make a smoothie.  With the vitamix it takes about a minute and nobody has to shake the shit out of it either, you just push the smoothie button and watch.  The more I think about it, the more I see where he is coming from.  He's absolutely right, it is way more "fun" to use the tiny old one.  And so if he requests it, we bust out the tired old blender from the closet and we take our time making a mediocre smoothie while having extraordinary "fun."


  1. Awesome, glad you got one! :) I never blend stuff but have heard the vitamix is the best.


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