Damn it feels good to be right
"Trust me, you don't want your baby to walk." "He will be so much more difficult once he is mobile." "Keep him from walking/crawling as long as possible!" "Enjoy him while he still wants to be held. Once he is walking/crawling he will never want you anymore." And the ever popular, "He's never going to learn to crawl/walk if you hold him all the time." All you naysayers...I was right, you were wrong. He is WAY happier now that he can walk around and explore. Yes, he is non stop and is into absolutely everything, but I really don't mind. I mean, putting things in the dog water bowl will lose its charm eventually, right? And since I'm already tooting my own horn, I will point out that I too was right about the sequence in which he would do things. Walk first, then crawl. Oh, and he totally still wants to be held and cuddled it's just now I can actually PUT. HIM. DOWN!! Oh glorious putting dow...