A step back?
Baby Center, The Bump, a friend, and two strangers have recently warned me of the dreaded 18 month sleep regression. "It's like the 4 month regression on steroids," I was warned. Keep calm though, is only a phase! "My baby was back to her normal 12 hours a night in a few weeks." Oh thank goodness. Whew. I'm so happy for you, sweet nosy stranger. Oh generic grouping of all babies in one category internet websites. Oh parents of children who have EVER slept well. I, for once, don't have the problem, YOU DO! HA! Because in order for a regression to take place, first sleep in a long, delicious stretch would have to exist. And it did for you, and that's wonderful, but for once I win. I WIN. Because you were all, oh I have it figured out, my kid sleeps so well, pat yourself on the back, and then BAM your kid won't sleep and you panic. And I don't blame you. Your glorious 12 hours of sle...