Just a tad bit late
Caches is nearly a year old, like I was in labor right now a year ago.. HOLY SHIT! And while trying to gather my thoughts on what I want to write for his "12 month" post, it occurred to me that I never even told ya'll his birth story, or that I occasionally speak with a Southern accent. First a tid bit of back story. I had a super easy, normal pregnancy and was planning on laboring at home for as long as possible with our doula and then heading to the hospital with only a short time left remaining to push out a baby, end scene. I prepped for natural childbirth with a ton of reading, exercises, classes, a supportive doctor, husband and doula. Caches had other plans. Foreshadowing anyone, anyone? A day before my due date I had a doctors appointment. He told me he was going out of town in a few days. I had a breakdown. Then I had a meeting with is partner who would probably end up delivering me. I had an even bigger breakdown....