
Showing posts from March, 2019


The weather has been shifting between Winter and Spring lately and the need for change in present in both myself and my children.  Every year around this time I get a deep desire to wander, to move furniture, to deep clean things that aren't even dirty, to purge the old and bask in the new.  Every day I meander around the yard and observe the changes.  Tiny leaves emerging from the trees, weeds poking up all around, camellias blooming.  I count the blossoms on the fruit trees and notice that nearly all the citrus is gone.  As I walk I am reminded of the variety of Spring bulbs that grace our yard with their different colors and smells.  Flowers of Spring are quick to blossom and quick to wilt, but I wait anxiously for their show each year.  This is the time of year that I want to sell it all and move into a tiny house in the woods.  To dig my hands into the cool soil and to feel the sun on my bare skin.  I notice that Caches especially is f...