It's a...

With Caches we decided to wait and be surprised with a boy or girl when baby was born.  I am glad we did, but this time we thought it would be fun to find out before.  And by "fun" I mean I don't have time for shopping or organizing once the baby is born this time around!  I don't even have time now and the baby is still fairly agreeable and completely contained.  Basically, I am a control freak and I want to know, dammit!

We were scheduled to have our anatomy scan last week, but due to the Thanksgiving holiday they pushed it to yesterday.  Everything looks good and baby is healthy and growing as it should.  Obviously that is far more important than gender, but I was just as anxious to find that part out.  I knew the time was coming up, the doctor said he was going to look for gender.  My heart began to race as I looked at the blurred jumble that sometimes looks like a baby and other times looks like a black and white static horror film that a zombie is going to craw out of but, oh yeah, I can totally see that kidney, doctor.  He pointed tot he screen, it's a...


At least that is what Caches thinks is in mommy's belly.  Oh, and we will name it Horsey Giraffe Nessier but sometimes we will let it be an alligator.  Thanks kid.

It's a...

We are so thrilled that Caches will have a baby sister, Ryan will have a daughter and I will have a whole other set of gender specific issues to possibly fuck up sort out.  It is said that when you have a boy you only have to worry about one penis, but when you have a girl you have to worry about all the penis'.  So basically I have to worry about all the penis' and then another one still!  

Seriously though, we both dreamed of having a baby girl and couldn't be happier.  Oh, and if any of you have girl hand me down clothes, accessories or advice I would be more than happy to accept all three.  


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