
I wrote this around 7 weeks pregnant when I was so tired that my brain completely shut off to store enough energy to breathe...Still waiting for it to turn back on, but that's a whole other story.

You guys, I haven't vacuumed in 5 days.  There is a small dog made from my dogs fallen hair in the corner.  You could eat a meal off of my kitchen floor and NOT in a good way.  If you stepped out of the shower you would develop a little furry boot of long brown hair stuck to your damp foot.  And to make matters worse, I don't even care.  The thought of vacuuming right now seems an impossible feet.  The vacuum alone must weight fifty pounds and my body feels as if it weighs a thousand.  Even just standing up from the ground after playing with Cache is exhausting.  You like the ring of dog hair on my ass?  Yeah, me too.

I have been so tired with this pregnancy that it is almost laughable.  By noon I find myself looking up and being like, really??  This isn't a joke?? I'm already THIS tired??  What am I creating, some kind of superhuman??  By 6:00pm I am keeping my eyelids open with toothpicks, and by 8/8:30, depending on when I get Caches down, I am crawling to bed.  And I'm not just in there to relax, I'm fucking sleeping!  My bed has never in my whole life felt so amazing.  Even when Caches was waking up every single 30 minutes all night long I wasn't this tired.

Perhaps because I was in a heightened state of arousal from the screaming, who knows, all I know is that I don't even feel like I have the physical energy to speak at the end of the day.  Actually, scratch that, make it all day.  Ryan asks me about my day and he might as well have asked me to recite Shakespeare.  I look at him and want to cry.  I can't talk, my mouth wants to sleep, shhhhh.  It is seriously ridiculous and I wouldn't even believe it if it wasn't happening to me.  I have actually considered slapping my own face just to wake up!!

Again, why couldn't I have had this symptom when I didn't also have a two year old who is always ready to party?


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