Because one cat, two dogs, two adults and a toddler don't quite fill the up the king size bed...

We thought it a good idea to add one more baby to the mix.

Now, if you are reading this and thinking, "What the hell, Anne?  You couldn't even call or tell me in person!?  I had to find out on the internet that you are pregnant?!"  You are not alone.  The only people who knew were my parents, Ryan's parents and our siblings.  Oh, and one friend that caught me in a lie.  See, it's true, I really can not lie so luckily nobody asked.

If you are offended or sad that I didn't call you personally, I am sincerely sorry.  I am not a good phone person and chances are good that even if we are close friends I haven't spoken to you on the phone in months.  Talking to people on the phone with a toddler in the room is one of the most annoying experiences in the world for the person on the other end of the line.  "Are you talking to me now or Caches?"  Caches! I would not ask a grown woman if she needs to pee or if she is just holding her penis!  Plus if Cache sees me on the phone he suddenly needs water poured, elaborate meals prepared, and help going poop.  Plus, we all know that kids wake up from a nap the second mom makes a phone call.  No fun for anyone.

Add to this the fact that I have been extremely guarded with my emotions and experiencing a lot of anxiety about a repeat miscarriage and you get a situation where 50 plus phone calls was just not going to happen.  I have been doing a little bit of writing about the pregnancy thus far and will post them with little notes as to how far along I was when I wrote them, but so far I have been very quiet about this pregnancy.

I am still feeling a little bit uncertain and having a hard time letting myself get too excited or attached, but I think as the weeks pass I will feel more and more confident and the realness will sink in.  For now I'm just anticipating the transition from looking chubby to actually looking pregnant.

If you are the type that likes a countdown, I am 4.5 months along and due mid April.  Oh, and we are going to find out the gender right after Thanksgiving!

Thanks for understanding and I hope you are ready for some super duper pooper fun around here, I know I am.  Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself that I am.

Okay, I'm totally not!!


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