Babies are here!

Chickens that is, the human is still incubating...

I've wanted chickens for the longest time, but after talking it over with Ryan we decided against it.  Well, he decided against it and I was like okay buddy, but one day I will convince you otherwise.  And that day was just before Christmas this year.

Because every girl's dream Christmas gift from her husband is a chicken coop, right?!

The coop was assembled and the chicken run secured months ago, but the babies would have to wait.  You see, I ordered specific breeds from a reputable online hatchery and because I only wanted three, I had to wait for the weather to warm up before they could ship them out.  So yes, I knowingly placed my order for baby chicks to arrive exactly one week before my due date.  Because why not invite even more chaos into my home?

Well, they have arrive, and...they hatchery sent the wrong chicks.  Yeah, I spent hours researching the best breeds for egg production, friendliness with humans and other chickens, and broodiness and what do I get?  Three random breeds including one that is more of a meat chicken than a layer!?  WTF!?  It's not like a sweater that I can send back and exchange because they sent the wrong one!

So anyway, we have what we have and there is not much I can do about it.  Oh wait, I could have a crying meltdown and blame pregnancy!  Yeah, I did, but in all fairness I'd have probably cried anyway.   Moving on...They are SO freaking cute and actually far more friendly with people and overly excited toddlers than I expected them to be.  All and all we are thrilled to have three new babies as a distraction from the one coming soon.  Caches is completely in love and is very sweet and surprisingly gentle with them.  He insists on eating breakfast with them and wants to kiss all of them goodnight for both naps and bedtime.  He could care less that they are they "wrong" ones.

Oh, and their names, Do-Da, Albert and Oma.  I have NO idea where Do-Da and Oma came from, but he named them quickly and with confidence!

Here they are..he's kind of excited


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