28 Weeks

Remember when I said I was going to post pregnancy updates and pictures every few weeks like I did with Cache?  Yeah, apparently I actually meant every 10 weeks.  Oops...

Everything pregnancy related is going fine, and other than a brief hospital stay due to a kidney infection that presented itself like pre-term labor it is fairly routine around here.  I feel HUGE, MASSIVE, like I swallowed a 20lb bowling ball.  In the morning it isn't bad, but by the evening, like right now, it is a little ridiculous.  I don't remember feeling like this ever when I was pregnant with Caches.  Oh well, mark it down as one more way this pregnancy is different than the last.

Another difference is the movement.  I remember feeling Caches move every day, but nothing like this.  This kid is out of control.  At 28 weeks she still flips back and forth from breech to head down frequently and I can literally feel her squirming all over the place.  Huge, hard kicks and jabs that just didn't really happen last time.  I not so secretly hope that means she will be quiet when she is born since Cache was quiet in the womb and well, was the opposite of quiet when he came out.

In other news, we still have no clue what to name her and are this close to going with Caches' suggestion of Albert Horsey.  It does have a certain ring to it, no?  Ryan and I have a short list, about 10 names, and all of them we like at least a little bit but none feel like "the one" yet.  I know we will come up with something, and if not, we will call her baby for a while.

Here is the belly at 28 weeks....

And seriously, Anne, stop what you are doing right now and CLEAN THAT MIRROR!!!


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