Anyone who has met me knows that little things like smashed pillows on the sofa, crumbs on the counter, water spots on the faucet fixtures, crooked picture frames and dust bunnies don’t bother me at all. So what I am about to tell you may shock you. I few days ago ran out of crack, I mean Klean n’ Shine, a cleaning product from the 70’s that is so toxic it foams at the mouth but I can not stop using it because it cleans EVERYTHING and doesn’t streak and F you planet, I do a lot for you already, I LOVE KLEAN N’ SHINE. Anyway, I felt the can getting low and made a note to pick up a new can or 10 at the only remaining retailer brave enough to carry this cleaner, Star Market. I grab my cloth bags, see, I told you planet, and head for the market. I make my way directly to the cleaning aisle and scan the usual area only to find that there is no Klean n’ Shine. I try to remain calm but when I see that there isn’t even an empty spot where it is supposed to be, or a tag marking its old spot...
Everyone knows someone who is "that" guy or "that" girl. You know the one, he or she is always saying the wrong thing or their sense of humor, or lack there of, is constantly being misinterpreted. You either know someone like this or YOU ARE this person. Either way, sometimes other peoples words don't come out quite right or you don't read/hear them as they were intended. I fear that I have become "that" girl with the sarcasm and humor in which I write about my son. Only a small handful of actual people have brought it to my attention, but it was enough for me to take their words into consideration and re-read some of my postings about Caches and the challenges we face. And you know what? They are right. Some of the things I write are a little bit inappropriate, not quite politically correct, and certainly not how some people would speak of their child, but this is how I cope. My writing and a VERY select group of people in my life whom ...
I don't even know why I am bothering to write this, maybe it is just to make myself feel better. For some reason the past few weeks I just can NOT focus enough to write a damn post. I sit down all ready with some clever idea in my head or with the intention of uploading pictures and then I just flat don't do it. And I don't even have an excuse! The I'm tired excuse is in and of itself getting tired! Nobody cares anymore, including me. It's just the way it is right now. Sure it that has something to do with it, I mean I'm literally in mental candy land half the time. That, along with the fact that I only get 15 minute increments in which to write, just isn't cutting it lately. I need more time, more uninterrupted time to actually conjure up some creativity. The other day I told Ryan I was over writing, I was going to take a break and that the chances of anyone even reading this anymore were slim to none. He basic...
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